Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Creativity and New Media

For this assignment, I used the internet to visit the Second Life website page, from there I was able to view many different avatars from which I could choose from, for example, “classic avatars”, “vampire avatars”, and “people avatars” were choices that were available. Once I choose an avatar that was to my liking, I was able to create an account with Second Life. The software was downloaded on to my computer. Through the Second Life’s software, I was able to log-in and start enjoying the virtual environment. Second Life assisted me in learning how to use the keyboard to maneuver to the left or to the right, I was taught how to walk, jump and fly in the virtual world. I thought this was definitely a great way to show the creativeness of new media, being a part of the virtual world was very interesting, the visuals were realistic, and the noises of the birds and crickets were both creative and lifelike. I found Second Life to be creative; it’s a great way to meet new people, especially for people who may be slightly shy or introverted. It can be a great place for people with phobias and disabilities where communities and societies can be created for support; geography does not have to play a barrier in virtual reality as it could restrict people in real life to look for such communities. Multinational organizations and even professional associations can meet in a virtual reality. On the surface, virtual realities may look like a game of sorts, but when further considered it can be a great life line for many people. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed a Second Life. I agree that this can be used to connect people and be used for many reasons. I think Second Life is a good way to just explore many different realities.
