Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

Some of the suggestions that I would make are: social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be utilized by the college to relay important information to students such as deadlines to register for fall, spring, and summer courses, to disperse information regarding emergency situations such as severe weather (snow), to include or post videos of positive experiences from other fellow students, faculty, and  staff,  to advertise free workshops related to writing improvement, study habits, and resume and cover letter assistance, I would advertise the career and internship opportunities on these  different social networking platforms as well. Also, perhaps online classes can use virtual worlds such as Second World, to meet and discuss course related items such as group projects. This suggestion can add some definition to online classes. Social media can also be a great platform to voice the counseling options that the college provides to its students, this can be a great way to pass out word of an important tool that the college delivers to its scholars. Professors can use new media tools such as voice memos to share important notes regarding the coursework topics with students, taking down notes can be hard for many students as it can be quite difficult to keep up with professors, so adding voice memos as a supplement material can help aid students with excelling in their classes as well as providing another helpful tool for studying with. 

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