Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Next New Thing

A new and innovative type of new media that does not currently exist could perhaps be some kind of virtual guide or avatar that can be displayed and viewed on the newer smart televisions. The newer models of televisions are not only just sleeker, thinner, and wider but they also include a variety of different applications such as the internet, YouTube, Twitter, Skype, Facebook, games, and other App Store services and facilities. If these TVs had a virtual avatar designed to walk and assist one through the TV and its large amount of services, I think this would perhaps make things easier and fun. One could speak to the avatar that would show up on the TV screen and explain what he or she wanted to do, whether to watch TV, go surfing on the internet, log in to Facebook or another social media website, or perhaps check out other apps on the App store of the TV, all of this can be described to the TV avatar which can ingeniously take us there in record breaking speed. Imagine this, as you turn on your TV, the virtual TV avatar could ask you “what you would like to do?”, in turn, you can communicate instructions to it, which the avatar can carry out. A show you want to watch can immediately show up without having to channel surf. Is there a particular video you would like to watch on YouTube? One may simply just say the instructions to the avatar – “I would like to watch _____ on YouTube” and basically wait for the screen to switch to the YouTube application and then the desired video. Perhaps we can ask the avatar what’s currently on TV that is mysterious or action filled and a list of suggestions could be relayed to us. I think if such a new media invention were ever created it would probably make remote controls obsolete because we would not need them anymore to watch TV. I think a TV avatar coupled with the new types of modern Televisions that are coming out are suitable for the virtual trend that is impacting our society, we see more and more people intertwined with the internet, social media, blogs, emails, and other new media technologies such as tablets, iPods, iPads, Kindles, etc... People are looking for an experience that can enhance and capture their senses, perhaps this type of new media technology can exactly do just that. Our vision and auditory senses would be captured and focused on this TV virtual guide who can then help and assist us in the growing complexities of the smart TV and its innumerable services. Lastly, if such a new media invention were ever created, it would require a collaboration or partnership between TV manufactures and TV service/channel providers. 

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