Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Social Networking Sites

Facebook: I believe that Facebook is much more personalized; it is about connections with family, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. You share your whole social life on Facebook; activities, books that have been read, pictures, or even events you may be attending. It is a virtual online social diary for yourself and for others to take a look at or view at any time. Facebook can be quite unlimited to how much you can share, your status can be as long as you would like.

Twitter: Twitter is about sharing ideas, statuses, news, and world events. There is also a sense of professionalism about it because you’re able to find jobs through Twitter. Many colleges and high schools use Twitter as a tool for educational enhancement. Also, the 140 character limit for tweets helps keep things clean and concise as well as to the point.

Instagram: I believe that Instagram may be a fusion of Facebook and Twitter. There is a sense of a virtual social life through the pictures that are available by Instagram users, they can be about one’s social life, what they have eaten, fashion, hobbies, interests, and entertainment. But it has a feel of twitter through the way friends are made, you can follow any one at any point in time and then even perhaps unfollow them, this flexibility is very similar to that of Twitter’s.

Snapchat: I find Snapchat to be really unique because it works off the contacts on your cellphone, in which you are able to share stories and pictures. You can now customize the photos to look a certain way such as a rabbit or any other fun filters they may have. Snapchat is a fun way of sharing what you may be up to in real time; the stories may only last for certain amounts of time such as 30 seconds which is quite different from other social media.

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